Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Equity Investments Are Good Bet In Long Run - July 2, 2008

MUMBAI: At the start of the year it looked as if the interest rate cycle had peaked as inflation was well under the RBI's 5% comfort ceiling. In that scenario many in the market were expecting the RBI to reduce rates by midyear.

However, the picture has changed dramatically over the last six months as prices of oil and other commodities shot up at an astonishing rate. Inflation is at a 13-year high and it has equity investors on the edge of their seats as the markets are steadily losing ground.

The BSE sensex is currently trading at a 16-month low, under the 13,000 mark. After seeing figures like 21,000 in January even the most experienced investor is apprehensive when the index comes down to 12,904, a loss of almost 38% in just six months. So where does this leave investors?


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